Job Search Assistance

601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049

2270 Miles—Get Directions

(888) 687-2277


Description: Help to find and get a job that matches your qualifications, experience and interests

Description: Help to find and get a job that matches your qualifications, experience and interests

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider

Tax Help

601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049

2270 Miles—Get Directions

(888) 227-7669


Description: Help for eligible individuals to file their tax returns

Description: Help for eligible individuals to file their tax returns

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049

2270 Miles—Get Directions

(877) 333-5885


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider

Telephone Reassurance

601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049

2270 Miles—Get Directions

(888) 281-0145


Description: Check-in calls for people living alone at home

Description: Check-in calls for people living alone at home

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider

Caregiver Support

601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049

2270 Miles—Get Directions

(877) 333-5885


Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers

Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider