Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Family Training

37437 State Highway 13, Waseca, MN, 56093

(507) 995-9323


Description: Services that help support a person's ability to live in their family home. Support and training are provided for the person and to family members.

Description: Services that help support a person's ability to live in their family home. Support and training are provided for the person and to family members.

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Training

37437 State Highway 13, Waseca, MN, 56093

(507) 995-9323


Description: Services that help support a person's ability to live in their own home or family home. Support and training are provided to adults.

Description: Services that help support a person's ability to live in their own home or family home. Support and training are provided to adults.

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider


37437 State Highway 13, Waseca, MN, 56093

(507) 995-9323


Description: Temporary services provided so that a caregiver (typically a family member) can take a break.

Description: Temporary services provided so that a caregiver (typically a family member) can take a break.

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider