Adult Protective Services (APS)

1117 Center St, New Ulm, MN, 56073

(844) 880-1574


Description: County office for emergency protection and investigations into abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of vulnerable adults. Report suspected maltreatment to the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center: (844) 880-1574

Description: County office for emergency protection and investigations into abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of vulnerable adults. Report suspected maltreatment to the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center: (844) 880-1574

Other Services: 16 Services offered by this provider

Apply for Waiver Programs

1117 Center St, New Ulm, MN, 56073

(507) 354-8246


Description: Accepts applications for Medical Assistance/Medicaid waiver programs

Description: Accepts applications for Medical Assistance/Medicaid waiver programs

Other Services: 16 Services offered by this provider

Housing Support

1117 Center St, New Ulm, MN, 56073

(507) 354-8246


Description: Program that helps pay housing-related expenses for eligible seniors or adults with a disability

Description: Program that helps pay housing-related expenses for eligible seniors or adults with a disability

Other Services: 16 Services offered by this provider

County Programs for People with Disabilities

1117 Center St, New Ulm, MN, 56073

(507) 354-8246


Description: Apply for county programs that serve people with disabilities

Description: Apply for county programs that serve people with disabilities

Other Services: 16 Services offered by this provider

County Programs for Health Care Financial Assistance

1117 Center St, New Ulm, MN, 56073

(507) 354-8246


Description: Apply for county programs that help pay for health care costs

Description: Apply for county programs that help pay for health care costs

Other Services: 16 Services offered by this provider