Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)
Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP)
540 Cedar St, St. Paul, MN, 55155
(651) 431-2478
Service Details
Minnesota Health Care Programs provide health care coverage to eligible families with children, adults, people with disabilities, and seniors.
Health services are provided on a fee-for-service basis or through managed care organizations, depending on the program.
Programs include:
* Medical Assistance (Medicaid) - members must meet income limits, nonfinancial eligibility rules and be Minnesota residents
* MinnesotaCare - provides affordable coverage for those who have higher income levels than eligible for Medicaid
* Minnesota Family Planning Program - family planning services for low-income Minnesotans
Area Served by County
- Aitkin County
- Anoka County
- Becker County
- Beltrami County
- Benton County
- Big Stone County
- Blue Earth County
- Brown County
- Carlton County
- Carver County
- Cass County
- Chippewa County
- Chisago County
- Clay County
- Clearwater County
- Cook County
- Cottonwood County
- Crow Wing County
- Dakota County
- Dodge County
- Douglas County
- Faribault County
- Fillmore County
- Freeborn County
- Goodhue County
- Grant County
- Hennepin County
- Houston County
- Hubbard County
- Isanti County
- Itasca County
- Jackson County
- Kanabec County
- Kandiyohi County
- Kittson County
- Koochiching County
- Lac qui Parle County
- Lake County
- Lake of the Woods County
- Le Sueur County
- Lincoln County
- Lyon County
- Mahnomen County
- Marshall County
- Martin County
- McLeod County
- Meeker County
- Mille Lacs County
- Morrison County
- Mower County
- Murray County
- Nicollet County
- Nobles County
- Norman County
- Olmsted County
- Otter Tail County
- Pennington County
- Pine County
- Pipestone County
- Polk County
- Pope County
- Ramsey County
- Red Lake County
- Redwood County
- Renville County
- Rice County
- Rock County
- Roseau County
- Scott County
- Sherburne County
- Sibley County
- St. Louis County
- Statewide
- Stearns County
- Steele County
- Stevens County
- Swift County
- Todd County
- Traverse County
- Wabasha County
- Wadena County
- Waseca County
- Washington County
- Watonwan County
- Wilkin County
- Winona County
- Wright County
- Yellow Medicine County
Most people apply for coverage from publicly funded programs through the state's MNsure health insurance marketplace.
Application Instructions
Eligibility and enrollment process varies by program. Contact your local county or Tribal Nation social service agency.
Area Served
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main - DHS Information Desk | (651) 431-2000 | |
Speech-to-Speech relay | (877) 627-3848 | |
TTY | (800) 627-3529 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
- Adult Mental Health Programs and Services
- Adult Protection
- Aging Services
- Alcohol, Drug and Other Addictions Programs
- Caregiver Education and Training – Online Dementia Training
- Child Protection
- Child Support Division
- Children's Mental Health Programs
- Disability Services Division (DSD)
- Economic Assistance and Food Programs
- Find a Children's Therapeutic Services and Support (CTSS) Provider
- Find a State Approved Gambling Treatment Provider
- Foster Care
- Housing Benefits 101 (HB101)
- Housing Services
- Indian Elder Desk
- Long Term Services and Supports for People with Disabilities
- Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO) and Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+)
- MNbenefits - Apply for State Benefits
- Moving Home Minnesota
- Nursing Home Programs
- Prepaid Medical Assistance Program (PMAP)
- Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T)
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
NL-5000.5000Medicaid Definition
A combined federal and state program administered by the state that provides medical benefits for individuals and families with limited incomes who fit into an eligibility group that is recognized by federal and state law. Each state sets its own guidelines regarding eligibility and services within parameters established at the federal level. Many people are covered by Medicaid, though within these groups, certain additional requirements must be met. Eligibility factors include people's age, whether they are pregnant, have a disability, are blind, or aged; their income and resources (like bank accounts, real property or other items that can be sold for cash); and whether they are U.S. citizens or lawfully admitted immigrants. Families who are receiving benefits through TANF and individuals who receive SSI as aged, blind and disabled are categorically eligible groups. The rules for counting a person's income and resources vary from state to state and from group to group. There are special rules for those who live in nursing homes, for people served under the Medicaid Waiver program, for people served by Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) programs and for children with disabilities living at home. Medicaid makes payments directly to a person's health care provider; and some recipients may be asked to pay a small part of the cost (co-payment) for some medical services. Most states have additional "state-only" programs to provide medical assistance for specified low-income persons who do not qualify for the Medicaid program.
NL-5000.8000State/Local Health Insurance Programs Definition
Programs that provide health insurance for people who do not qualify for Medicaid, do not have access to insurance provided by an employer or cannot afford privately purchased health insurance. Services covered by these programs vary by state but generally include hospitalization, physician services, emergency room visits, family planning, immunizations, laboratory and x-ray services, outpatient surgery, chiropractic care, prescriptions, eye exams, eye glasses and dental care. Other services may include alcohol and drug treatment, mental health services, medical and equipment and supplies and rehabilitative therapy. Eligibility requirements also vary. Included are state and/or local government health insurance programs which may be administered by the state or at the local level, and public/private partnerships between state and/or local government entities and health insurance companies or other private organizations. Health care is generally provided through participating managed care plans in the area.
TD-0300.8000State Government Agencies/Departments Definition
The principal executive divisions of state government in the United States including state offices, departments, divisions, bureaus, boards and commissions, that are responsible, by law, for the management and control of public business and property.
TD-1200.2500Governmental Contracts/Grants Offices Definition
City, county, state or federal government offices that are responsible for handling grants and contracts for the provision of services.
TD-6500Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups Definition
Governing boards, advisory boards, commissions, committees and other groups that provide advice, guidance and, in some cases, formal oversight, for public and private organizations that are responsible for the provision of services to the community; that assess existing social conditions and problems and develop and assist in the implementation of specific strategies for meeting the human service needs of the community; and/or which assist community agencies and organizations to coordinate the provision of services in an efficient, nonduplicative way. Also included are entities that are composed of community agencies which have an established networking relationship that provides a collaborative approach to addressing specific identified community needs and problems.
YB-9000Young Adults Definition
Individuals who are generally between the ages of 18 and 25 depending on the ages that specific programs use for qualification.
YZ-2050Family Planning Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with contraception, infertility, sterilization, genetic disorders or other family planning topics.