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Minnesota Prairie County Alliance

Consumer Support Grant (CSG) Program

Minnesota Prairie County Alliance - Waseca County

1000 Elm Ave W, Waseca, MN, 56093

(507) 837-6660


Service Details


The Consumer Support Grant (CSG) is a cash grant for someone who has Medicaid Home Health Aide (HHA), Personal Care Assistant (PCA) or Home Care Nursing (HCN) services. The grant is used to purchase supports and services. The grant-recipient, as the employer, may use grant funds to choose and hire the supports they need. Support people chosen can be:
* Family members
* Spouses
* Friends
* Provider-agency workers

Consumer Support Grant (CSG) recipients develop a person-centered plan with participating county or tribal agencies. The county or tribal agency approves the plan if all costs are within the person's CSG budget. County or tribal agencies may customize CSG within state guidelines to fit the needs of their residents. People should contact their local agency for more information.

Grant recipients must hire a Financial Management Service (FMS) provider to help with employer obligations, billing and payment functions.

CSG participants are responsible for training and supervising the staff that they hire.

About This Location

The amount of the grant is based on the county or tribal agency or home care nursing agency ass...


  • Area Served by County
    • Waseca County 
  • Specialization
    • Disabilities 


To be eligible for the Consumer Support Grant (CSG), you must meet all of these conditions:
* Be enrolled in or eligible for Medical Assistance (MA)
* Be eligible to receive home care services from the Medical Assistance Home Care Program
* Demonstrate limitations in everyday functioning, such as self-care, language, learning, mobility, self direction, capacity for independent living and economic self-sufficiency
* Live in a home that you or your family owns or rents (not in a licensed facility)
* Require ongoing supports to live in the community
* Live in a county that offers the Consumer Support Grant program

Consumers cannot get this grant while receiving services through:
* Minnesota's Alternative Care program
* Home and community-based service waivers
* Managed care programs or MA home health aide services, personal care assistance or private duty nursing
* All other available sources of payment should be exhausted before use of the Consumer Support Grant

CSG has begun transitioning to Community First Services and Supports (CFSS). Individuals currently using CSG will transition to CFSS at their next reassessment.

Application Instructions

To ask questions or apply for the CSG, contact the local county or tribal Human Services office or the Disability Hub Mn, (866) 333-2466. Not all counties offer CSG. However, people may contact them with questions about CSG.


The FMS fee would be an expense paid with the grant. FMS providers set their own fees so consumers should compare FMS providers and the services their fee includes when selecting an FMS. The CSG also pays the county or tribal agency fee for their administrative costs. That fee is limited to 5% of the grant.

Area Served

Waseca County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (507) 837-6600

Last Update


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