Minnesota Prairie County Alliance
County Programs for Income Assistance
Minnesota Prairie County Alliance - Waseca County
1000 Elm Ave W, Waseca, MN, 56093
(507) 837-6650
Service Details
Programs that help pay for basic needs include:
* Emergency General Assistance (EGA): Help to resolve a one-time crisis that immediately threatens a basic health or safety need (such as food, shelter or utilities)
* General Assistance (GA): Cash assistance to help cover basic needs for people without children who can't work enough to support themselves, and whose income and resources are very low
* Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP): Helps families with children meet their basic needs, while helping parents move to financial stability through work
* Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA): Money to help pay for basic needs of people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
* Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA): Provides money to newly arrived refugees who are making the transition to life in the United States and are not eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
Area Served by County
- Waseca County
- Family
- People with low income
- Refugees
Check specific program guidelines for requirements.
Area Served
Waseca County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 837-6600 |
Last Update
Other Locations
- Minnesota Prairie County Alliance - Dodge County 22 6th St E, Dept 401, Mantorville, MN, 55955
- Minnesota Prairie County Alliance - Steele County 630 Florence Ave, Owatonna, MN, 55060
Other Services or resources
- Adult Foster Care (AFC) and Community Residential Setting (CRS) Licensing
- Adult Mental Health Services
- Adult Protective Services (APS)
- Apply for Waiver Programs
- Case Management - Developmental Disabilities
- Consumer Support Grant (CSG) Program
- County Programs for Families
- County Programs for Food Support
- County Programs for Health Care Financial Assistance
- County Programs for People with Disabilities
- Emergency Assistance
- Family Support Grant (FSG)
- Find Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)
- Housing Support
- Mental Health Case Management
- MinnesotaCare
- MnCHOICES Assessment and Support Planning
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
BH-3800.7000Rent Payment Assistance Definition
Programs that make rental payments for people who are at risk of eviction without assistance. Also included are rent supplement programs that provide assistance with ongoing monthly rental costs. Rent payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
BV-8900.9300Utility Service Payment Assistance Definition
Programs that pay all or a portion of the utility bills of people whose utilities have been or are at risk of being shut off including any reconnection fees that may apply. Also included are non-emergency programs like those funded through the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), also referred to as LIEAP or HEAP in some states, that provide home energy assistance, generally in the form of a credit, for low-income households that apply. The assistance is usually available once per calendar year (or heating season). Utility bill payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
FT-1000.3300Immigrant Benefits Assistance Definition
Programs that provide assistance for non-citizens who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of government-sponsored entitlement programs and social services for which they are eligible including housing programs, employment assistance and job training, medical assistance, and other government entitlements. The program may help these individuals understand the eligibility criteria for benefits and services, the benefits/services available, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete application forms; negotiate on their behalf with benefits administration and social service staff; and/or represent them in administrative processes or judicial litigation. Included are benefits counseling organizations that offer a range of advocacy services and legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance.
ND-6500.9500Welfare to Work Programs Definition
Programs operated by state agencies or local jurisdictions that offer employment training and supportive services (such as child care, transportation costs, ancillary expenses and personal counseling) for people who are receiving public assistance through the TANF program in an effort to help them become self-supporting. Private organizations, often under contract with a public agency, may be involved in both the provision of training and on-the-job work experience (including volunteering in nonprofit agencies). Public assistance recipients are required to participate in designated program activities a minimum number of hours per week in order to receive their monthly income support payment and supplemental payments for support services.
NL-1000.2400Gap Group Income Maintenance Programs Definition
State, county or municipal programs which provide cash income on a regular basis for targeted individuals who do not qualify for other income maintenance programs, e.g., families or people with disabilities who do not qualify for TANF or SSI because of resources or income from employment. Also included are programs that provide supplementary income for individuals receiving other forms of basic maintenance in situations where the authorizing agent considers the primary award to be inadequate.
NL-1000.7000-720Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance Applications Definition
County offices that accept applications and determine eligibility for the Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance program. Also included are other programs that help people prepare and file Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance applications and/or are authorized to do eligibility determinations for the program.
NL-1000.8500TANF Definition
A state program with matching federal block grant funds administered by the county or the state under state guidelines that provides time-limited cash assistance for needy families with (or expecting) children as well as job preparation, work opportunities and access to supportive services such as child care which enable parents receiving assistance to leave the program and become self-sufficient. TANF, which ends the federal entitlement known as AFDC, creates a five-year lifetime limit on cash assistance for most adult recipients; requires that recipients be working or participating in a work-related activity within two years and cooperate with comprehensive child support enforcement efforts including paternity establishment; and contains special live at home and stay in school provisions for teenage parents. States have wide latitude in structuring their TANF programs and may obtain waivers which exempt them from specific federal requirements. Recipients may receive monthly checks or be given electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards which allow them to access their cash benefits at automated teller machines (ATMs) or point of sale (POS) equipment that is located in grocery stores, banks and other commercial locations.
NT-8900Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance Definition
Programs that provide cash, vouchers or other forms of monetary aid for people in need of assistance and evaluate the individual's or family's need for the money on a case-by-case basis rather than having pre-established policies regarding the types of needs the dollars can be used to cover.
YC-8000SSI Recipients Definition
Individuals who are receiving cash grants through the Supplemental Security Income program, a federal income maintenance program with supplemental state funds which is administered by the Social Security Administration for people who are age 65 and older, are blind or have a disability, and have little or no income and assets.
YE-7000Refugees/Entrants/Asylees Definition
Individuals who have fled their native country and have been given official permission by the government to settle permanently in another country. In the United States, refugee status is given to people who are outside their country of nationality and who are unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution based on the individuals' race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. Entrant status allows the individual to remain in the U.S., but does not confer true "refugee" status. Asylees are refugees who apply for this status while already in the U.S. (on student or tourist visas, for example).
YK-8200Single Adults Definition
Men or women who are living without a spouse or partner.
YL-3300.4500Low Income Definition
Individuals or families whose annual income is between 150 and 200% of poverty level for their family size.
YL-3300.6500Poverty Level Definition
People whose annual income is within the federal poverty level guidelines which vary according to family size and are revised annually.