Southeastern Minnesota Center For Independent Living (SEMCIL)
Disability Hub MN
SEMCIL - Rochester Office
2200 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, 55902
(866) 333-2466
Service Details
Disability Hub MN connects you to information and community resources, helps you understand your benefits, and helps you plan for your best life. Hub staff listen to your needs, explore options with you and provide the information you need to make informed decisions.
The Hub can help you with:
* Health insurance options
* Housing and home care options
* Employment options and how that can affect benefits
* Life planning, education, and goals
* Community involvement
Disability Hub MN is managed by the Department of Human Services Disability Services Division, and the service is delivered through a contract with the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living (MCIL) and the Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living (SEMCIL). All Hub services are person-centered, private and confidential.
Area Served by County
- Aitkin County
- Anoka County
- Becker County
- Beltrami County
- Benton County
- Big Stone County
- Blue Earth County
- Brown County
- Carlton County
- Carver County
- Cass County
- Chippewa County
- Chisago County
- Clay County
- Clearwater County
- Cook County
- Cottonwood County
- Crow Wing County
- Dakota County
- Dodge County
- Douglas County
- Faribault County
- Fillmore County
- Freeborn County
- Goodhue County
- Grant County
- Hennepin County
- Houston County
- Hubbard County
- Isanti County
- Itasca County
- Jackson County
- Kanabec County
- Kandiyohi County
- Kittson County
- Koochiching County
- Lac qui Parle County
- Lake County
- Lake of the Woods County
- Le Sueur County
- Lincoln County
- Lyon County
- Mahnomen County
- Marshall County
- Martin County
- McLeod County
- Meeker County
- Mille Lacs County
- Morrison County
- Mower County
- Murray County
- Nicollet County
- Nobles County
- Norman County
- Olmsted County
- Otter Tail County
- Pennington County
- Pine County
- Pipestone County
- Polk County
- Pope County
- Ramsey County
- Red Lake County
- Redwood County
- Renville County
- Rice County
- Rock County
- Roseau County
- Scott County
- Sherburne County
- Sibley County
- St. Louis County
- Statewide
- Stearns County
- Steele County
- Stevens County
- Swift County
- Todd County
- Traverse County
- Wabasha County
- Wadena County
- Waseca County
- Washington County
- Watonwan County
- Wilkin County
- Winona County
- Wright County
- Yellow Medicine County
Client Conveniences
- Assistance with community resources
Legal Information
- Advance medical directives
- Benefits assistance
- Free / no cost to everyone
- Blind or visually impaired
- Brain Injury (BI)
- Deaf or hard-of-hearing
- Developmental disabilities
- Disabilities
- Family
- Mental health
- People with low income
- Physical disabilities
We are a No Wrong Door service – anyone can contact Disability Hub MN.
Application Instructions
There is no application
Business Hours
8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
Area Served
Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona counties
Disability HUB MN and DB101 - Statewide
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 285-1815 | |
Disability Hub MN | (866) 333-2466 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
- Activities for People with Disabilities
- Adult Companion Services
- Advocacy - Disabilities
- Assistive Technology
- Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) Support Planner
- Disability Benefits 101 (
- Employment Support for Workers with Disabilities
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Home Assessment
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Home Modification
- Home Accessibility Modification
- Homemaker Services
- Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Family Training
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Training
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) without Training
- Nursing Home / Institution Relocation Services
- Peer Mentor Services
- Personal Care Assistant (PCA)
- Personal Care Assistant (PCA) Choice
- Respite
- School to Adult Life Transition
- Semi-Independent Living Services (SILS)
- Social Security Advocacy Services
- Specialist Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Community Partner
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
BH-3900.3100Housing Search Assistance Definition
Programs that assign a staff member to assist people who are looking for housing to survey the available residences and to choose and obtain the most suitable option.
FT-1000Benefits and Services Assistance Definition
Programs that provide assistance for people who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of grants, payments, benefits or other services for which they may be eligible. The programs may help people understand the eligibility criteria for benefits and services, the benefits or services provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete application forms; negotiate on their behalf with program administration staff; and/or represent them in administrative processes or judicial litigation. Included are benefits/service counseling organizations that offer a range of advocacy services and legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance.
LH-0350Aging and Disability Resource Centers Definition
Programs that create a single, coordinated system of information and access for older adults and people with disabilities who are seeking long term support to minimize confusion, enhance individual choice, and support informed decision-making. ADRC centers serve as a single point of entry to public long term support programs and services. They offer information and counseling regarding available long term support options; assist individuals in determining their eligibility for public long term support programs and benefits including level of care determinations for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs; provide short-term case management to stabilize long term supports for individuals and their families in times of immediate need; help people plan for their future long term support needs; and provide information about and referral to other programs and benefits (such as health promotion and disease prevention, transportation services, housing and income support programs) that help people remain in the community.
LH-2700.1700Disease/Disability Information Definition
Programs that provide information about the causes and origins, preventive measures, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management including the latest research for specific illnesses or disabling conditions.
LH-3500.4900Medicaid Information/Counseling Definition
Programs that offer information and guidance for people who may qualify for Medicaid with the objective of empowering them to make informed choices. Included may be information about the eligibility requirements for Medicaid and how to apply; Medicaid Managed Care options, benefits covered (and not covered) by the program including long-term care and home and community-based services; the payment process for co-payments; Medicaid "spend-down" (the process of reducing income and/or assets an individual possesses in order to qualify for Medicaid); and information about Medicare and the linkages between the two programs. The program may also answer questions about Medicaid services available to individuals with disabilities; and some programs may help people who qualify with enrollment and provide referrals to providers who accept State Medicaid health insurance.
PH-0700Benefits Screening Definition
Programs that provide benefits screening services which help individuals determine whether they are eligible for benefits through any of a wide variety of public and private federal, state and local programs. In addition to identifying the programs that a person may be eligible to receive, the service generally also provides a detailed description of the programs, local contacts for additional information (typically the addresses and phone numbers of where to apply for the programs), and materials to help successfully apply for each program. Included are programs that provide this service online and those that do benefits screening via the telephone or in-person. Some benefits screening programs may focus on specific populations such as older adults and people with disabilities; or specific aspects of benefits eligibility such as the impact that working will have on their benefits as an aid to helping people make informed decisions regarding whether to work. Also included are programs that help people complete the benefits screening form.
TJ-0500Accessibility Information Definition
Programs that provide information about the accessibility of parks, airports, public buildings and other facilities for use by people who have restricted mobility. Also included are programs that provide general information about accessibility in home, work and community settings.
TJ-3000.1500Comprehensive Information and Referral Definition
Programs that maintain information about the full range of human services and which function as the primary source of information about and linkage to human service providers in the community.
TJ-3000.8000Specialized Information and Referral Definition
Programs that maintain information about community resources that are appropriate for a specific target group or human services sector (for example, youth programs or addiction services) and which link individuals who are in need of specialized services with appropriate resources and/or which provide information about community agencies and organizations that offer specialized services.
YB-8000Older Adults Definition
Individuals who are age 50, 55, 60, 62 or 65 or older depending on the minimum age for qualifying as an older adult which varies by program.
YC-1700Disability Benefit Recipients Definition
Previously employed individuals who have lost their earnings due to a physical or mental impairment severe enough to prevent them from working and who are receiving monthly cash benefits from a public or private source during the period of disability.
YC-5000Medicaid Recipients Definition
Low-income individuals who are receiving comprehensive medical benefits through the federal Medicaid program administered by the county or the state.
YFDisabilities and Health Conditions Definition
Physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional impairments, illnesses or injuries that prevent or interfere with an individual's ability to perform intellectual or physical tasks that are normally within the range of human capability, or which significantly limit one's mobility or level of activity.
YJ-6750Families/Friends of People With Disabilities Definition
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of people who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations, whose own patterns of personal, social and familial coping have been significantly affected by ongoing interaction with and concern about the individual with a disability.
YJ-8750People With Disabilities/Health Conditions Definition
Individuals who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations, illnesses or injuries that affect their ability to engage in one or more major life activities. Disabilities and health conditions may be temporary or permanent, may be present at birth or occur at any point in a person's lifetime, and can be of different levels of severity.
YK-2000Families Definition
Groups of people, usually consisting of parents (mothers and fathers) and children, who live together in a common dwelling and depend on one another for support.
YL-3500.9500Workers With Disabilities Definition
Employed individuals who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations.
YZ-0150Addictions/Dependencies Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal generally with the topic of addiction/dependency.
YZ-0600Assistive Technology Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of assistive technology.
YZ-1500Civil Rights Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of civil rights.
YZ-1700Disabilities Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of disabilities.
YZ-1950Employment Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of employment.
YZ-3150Housing Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of housing.
YZ-3260Human/Social Services Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of human/social services.
YZ-3450Insurance Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of insurance.
YZ-4750Long Term Care Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of long term care and the individuals who require it.
YZ-5000Mental Health Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of mental health/mental illness.
YZ-6600Poverty Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of poverty.
YZ-6900Public Assistance Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of public assistance.
YZ-6930Rehabilitation Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of rehabilitation facilities and/or practitioners and/or the conditions under which rehabilitation services may be required.
YZ-8560Transportation Issues Definition
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of transportation.