Southeastern Minnesota Center For Independent Living (SEMCIL)
Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)
SEMCIL - Rochester Office
2200 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, 55902
(507) 285-1815
Service Details
Support to help reduce barriers for people with disabilities or disabling conditions (and their families) and seniors to find and keep housing.
Provides three types of services that may include housing transition, sustaining and/or consultation services:
Housing Transition Services helps a person plan for, find, and move into housing and may include:
* Helping the person think about preferred housing
* Helping with the housing search and application process
* Developing a budget
* Understanding a lease
* Helping to pay for moving expenses up to $3000 annually
Housing Sustaining Services helps a person keep their housing after they have moved in and may include:
* Education on tenant-landlord rights and responsibilities
* Coaching to develop relationships with property managers and neighbors
* Training on how to be a good tenant; lease compliance
* Problem-solving to maintain housing stability
Housing Consultation Services helps a person who does not have Medical Assistance (MA) case management develop a person-centered plan that addresses their needs, wants, and goals for living in the community and may include:
* Developing a housing focused person-centered plan based on the person's needs, wants, and goals for housing
* Helping a person make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining services provider
* Offering resources related to non-housing goals
* Coordinating with other service providers already working with the person
To learn more, see the Housing Benefits 101 Medical Assistance (MA) Housing Stabilization Service website.
Area Served by County
- Olmsted County
Client Conveniences
- Assistance with community resources
- Housing Consultation
- Housing Transition / Sustaining
- Medicaid (Medical Assistance)
* Be on Medical Assistance (MA)
* Be 18 years or older
* Have a disability or disabling condition
* Requires assistance with at least one of the following areas due to a disability or disabling condition:
- Communication
- Mobility
- Decision making
- Managing challenging behaviors
* Have housing instability, such as:
- Homeless
- Transition from an institution or licensed registered setting
- At-risk for homelessness
- At-risk of institutionalization
* Not getting similar services from other programs like Moving Home MN, Assertive Community Treatment, Housing Access Coordination, or Relocation Service Coordination
Application Instructions
May self-refer by contacting a Housing Stabilization service provider directly or with the help of a provider or case manager
Business Hours
8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
Area Served
Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona counties
Disability HUB MN and DB101 - Statewide
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 285-1815 | |
Disability Hub MN | (866) 333-2466 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
- Activities for People with Disabilities
- Adult Companion Services
- Advocacy - Disabilities
- Assistive Technology
- Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) Support Planner
- Disability Benefits 101 (
- Disability Hub MN
- Employment Support for Workers with Disabilities
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Home Assessment
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Home Modification
- Home Accessibility Modification
- Homemaker Services
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Family Training
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Training
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) without Training
- Nursing Home / Institution Relocation Services
- Peer Mentor Services
- Personal Care Assistant (PCA)
- Personal Care Assistant (PCA) Choice
- Respite
- School to Adult Life Transition
- Semi-Independent Living Services (SILS)
- Social Security Advocacy Services
- Specialist Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Community Partner
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
BH-0500At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs Definition
Programs authorized under federal or state legislation or local government initiatives that provide financial assistance and supportive services for individuals and/or families who are homeless or at risk for homelessness. Included are prevention programs that help people at imminent risk for homelessness preserve current housing or secure alternative housing; diversion programs that help people actively seeking shelter to identify and access viable alternatives including shared housing arrangements and transitional housing/shelter; and rapid re-housing programs that help people who are already homeless move as quickly as possible into permanent housing. Services may include case management, rental deposits, rent assistance, utility deposits, housing search assistance, moving expenses, expenses related to non-shelter temporary housing in situations where permanent housing has been secured but is currently unavailable, and other costs the family may incur in the process of acquiring or maintaining housing. Allowable activities, eligibility criteria and other requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction, the funding source and the focus of the program.
YJ-0500.0300At Risk Families Definition
Families who, because of their economic or environmental situation or history or a health problem or disability, are considered more likely than others to follow a generational pattern of self-destructive behavior, criminal activity, gang involvement, substance abuse, child abuse, welfare dependency, chronic unemployment, homelessness, unwanted pregnancy and other problems which threaten the health, safety and/or personal development of family members.
YM-8500Transitional Housing/Shelter Residents Definition
People who are currently residing in facilities that provide extended shelter and supportive services for homeless individuals and/or families with the goal of helping them live independently and transition into permanent housing. Included are people who have graduated from a domestic violence shelter and are currently living in affordable housing complexes on a temporary, transitional basis until they have the resources to return to eventual independent living.
YQ-3050Housing First Organizational Perspective Definition
Housing-related organizations that emphasize stable, permanent housing as a primary strategy for ending homelessness. The Housing First approach helps people experiencing homelessness to access and sustain permanent rental housing as quickly as possible – and once the individual or family is housed, providing assistance and support with other life issues as needed. This perspective has the benefit of being consistent with what most people experiencing homelessness want and seek help to achieve.
YV-0400At Risk for Homelessness Definition
Individuals or families who are at risk for becoming homeless because they are unable to make their rent or mortgage payment and face eviction or foreclosure or who have already lost their permanent residence and are "doubled up", i.e., are staying temporarily with friends or relatives.
YV-3000Homeless People Definition
Individuals and families who have no fixed, regular and adequate residence, who are residing temporarily with relatives or friends or who live on the street, in emergency or transitional shelters, in a hotel or motel paid for with a shelter voucher, in seriously substandard housing or in an abandoned building, place of business, car or other vehicle, or other public or private place that is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for people. Some people who are homeless have issues with substance abuse, chronic or severe mental illness, chronic unemployment or underemployment, or other problems that prevent them from obtaining housing.
YV-3000.3000Homeless Families Definition
Families, usually consisting of two parents and their children but also including single parent families, extended families and nontraditional family groups, who have no fixed, regular and adequate residence, who are residing temporarily with relatives or friends or who live on the street, in emergency or transitional shelters, in a hotel or motel paid for with a shelter voucher, in seriously substandard housing or in an abandoned building, place of business, car or other vehicle, or other public or private place that is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for people.
YV-3000.8000Homeless Youth Definition
Children or adolescents who have been abandoned by the adults responsible for their care or who have left their homes without notice or parental consent and who have no fixed place of residence.