Three Rivers Community Action, Inc.
Weatherization Assistance Program
Zumbrota Office
1414 Northstar Dr, Zumbrota, MN, 55992
(507) 316-0610
Service Details
Provides services to income-qualified homeowners and renters to reduce energy bills by making homes more energy efficient while protecting the health and safety of household members
Local Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) providers will do an energy audit to determine if weatherization is needed and will create a plan for the most cost-effective energy efficient improvements for your home.
Services may include:
* Addition of attic or wall insulation
* Reduction of air leakage
* Replacement or repair of furnaces, boilers, and water heaters
* Education on how you can reduce energy usage in your home
Area Served by County
- Goodhue County
- Rice County
- Wabasha County
Organization Type
- Community Action Partnership
- Disabilities
- Family
- Older adults
- People with low income
Households are eligible based on 200% of Federal Poverty Income Guidelines or if eligible for assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) income limit of 50% of State Median Income, whichever is greater. Households receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) within the last 12 months are also eligible.
Priority is given to households with:
* Elderly or disabled family members
* Children under 19 years of age
* High energy consumption
Please note that the wait time for assistance, after eligibility has been determined, varies between local WAP providers.
Serves Goodhue, Rice, Wabasha Counties and Prairie Island Reservation.
Application Instructions
Complete one application for both Energy Assistance and Weatherization Assistance:
* English Application
* Spanish Application
* Hmong Application
* Somali Application
* Vietnamese Application
Applications can also be picked up from your local service provider, or Minnesota residents can obtain an application and more information by calling (800) 657-3710 or email:
Mail the completed application to your local provider.
There is no fee.
Business Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday
Area Served
Goodhue, Rice, Wabasha and Olmsted counties
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 316-0610 | |
Toll Free | (800) 277-8418 | |
TTY | (800) 627-3529 |
Last Update
Other Locations
- Faribault Office 201 Lyndale Ave S, Faribo Town Square, Faribault, MN, 55021
- Wabasha Office 611 Broadway Ave, Wabasha, MN, 55981
Other Services or resources
- Caregiver Consultant
- Emergency Shelter
- Energy Assistance Program
- Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM)
- Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP)
- Forms Assistance
- Help Paying for Basic Needs
- House Cleaning
- Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)
- HUD-Approved Housing Counseling
- Information and Support
- Snow Removal
- Transitional Housing
- Transportation - Hiawathaland Dial-a-Ride and HART Program
- Transportation (Waiver)
- Yard Work
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
BH-3000.1800-950Weatherization Programs Definition
Programs that provide assistance in the form of labor and supplies to help people improve the energy efficiency of their homes and protect them from the elements. The program provides ceiling insulation, attic venting, double glazed windows, weather-stripping, minor housing envelope repairs, low-flow showerheads, evaporative cooler vent covers, water heater blankets, pipe wrap, duct wrap, switch and outlet gaskets, caulking, and other related energy conservation measures. Weatherization programs may have age, income, disability or other eligibility requirements.
BM-3000.0500-450.25Furnaces Definition
Programs that pay for or provide new or reconditioned heating systems. Furnaces are powered by wood, coal, oil, propane, natural gas or electricity and pump heated air throughout a home or other building using a system of ducts. Some systems heat water which circulates through radiators. Included are programs that provide grants or loans for furnace replacement.