Free or Low-Cost Medical Flights

2060 State Highway 595, Lindrith, NM, 87029


Description: Airplane services to transport patients, personnel or other equipment to support a medical need

Description: Airplane services to transport patients, personnel or other equipment to support a medical need

Mercy Transportation

Call for location

(877) 545-3050


Description: Free flights for family and friends of someone who is terminally or seriously ill

Description: Free flights for family and friends of someone who is terminally or seriously ill

Find an Airport

MnDOT Office of Aeronautics

222 Plato Blvd E, St. Paul, MN, 55107

(651) 234-7200


Description: Directory of Minnesota Airports containing detailed information designed to aid in planning flights to any of Minnesota's public airports and seaplane bases

Description: Directory of Minnesota Airports containing detailed information designed to aid in planning flights to any of Minnesota's public airports and seaplane bases

Other Services: 2 Services offered by this provider