Senior LinkAge Line

540 Cedar St, St. Paul, MN, 55155

(800) 333-2433


Description: Free objective information and assistance service for older Minnesotans and their families. The Senior LinkAge Line helps with finding programs and services, as well as assisting with a broad range of aging, insurance, and Medicare issues.

Description: Free objective information and assistance service for older Minnesotans and their families. The Senior LinkAge Line helps with finding programs and services, as well as assisting with a broad range of aging, insurance, and Medicare issues.

Other Services: 2 Services offered by this provider

Disaster Information Center - Help with Insurance Issues

85 7th Pl E, Ste 280, St. Paul, MN, 55101

(651) 539-1600


Description: Help for consumers in the event of a natural disaster

Description: Help for consumers in the event of a natural disaster

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider