Assistive Technology Demonstration and Loan Program

Access North - Hibbing Office

1309 E 40th St, Hibbing, MN, 55746

(800) 390-3681


Description: Provides demonstration and help to get technology to assist with activities of daily living for people with disabilities

Description: Provides demonstration and help to get technology to assist with activities of daily living for people with disabilities

Other Services: 40 Services offered by this provider

Assistive Technology Demonstration and Loan Program

Access North - Duluth Office

118 E Superior St, Duluth, MN, 55802

(888) 625-1401


Description: Provides demonstration and help to get technology to assist with activities of daily living for people with disabilities

Description: Provides demonstration and help to get technology to assist with activities of daily living for people with disabilities

Other Services: 40 Services offered by this provider

Assistive Technology Training and Lending Library

8161 Normandale Blvd, Bloomington, MN, 55437

(952) 838-9000


Description: Services for children, families and professionals to help make assistive technology more accessible

Description: Services for children, families and professionals to help make assistive technology more accessible

Other Services: 7 Services offered by this provider

Medical Equipment or Assistive Technology Loan Program

658 Cedar St, 358 Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, MN, 55155

(651) 201-2640


Description: Lends medical equipment or assistive technology at no cost

Description: Lends medical equipment or assistive technology at no cost

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support - Assistive Technology Training

658 Cedar St, 358 Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, MN, 55155

(651) 201-2640


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider