Telephone Reassurance - Phone Companions and Coffee Talk

2550 University Ave W, Ste 260S, St. Paul, MN, 55114

(612) 721-1400


Description: Check-in calls for people living alone at home

Description: Check-in calls for people living alone at home

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider

Activities for Seniors - Well Connected

Well Connected

Call for location

(877) 797-7299


Description: Seniors have a chance to meet, socialize and learn together through classes and other opportunities

Description: Seniors have a chance to meet, socialize and learn together through classes and other opportunities

Helpline - Friendship Line

3575 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA, 94118

(888) 670-1360


Description: Telephone support service that provides information about a particular topic to those who call.

Description: Telephone support service that provides information about a particular topic to those who call.