Results for "Veterans, Fairfield, CT"
11 results
Description: Education and awareness about hazards in your home and how to remove them
Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider
Description: An attendant or helper for an age-related need for assistance. They can help with things that do not need healthcare training or licensure.
Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider
Description: Routine household tasks such as cleaning, cooking and laundry to keep up a home.
Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider
Description: Help for persons who take care of an older adult friend or family member, or grandparents who are taking care of grandchildren
Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider
Description: Temporary services provided so that a caregiver (typically a family member) can take a break.
Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider
Description: Program that provides rides for people in the community
Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
4600 18th Ave NW, Rochester, MN, 55901
996 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Program that provides rides for people in the community
Other Services: 26 Services offered by this provider
Caregiver Support
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
4600 18th Ave NW, Rochester, MN, 55901
996 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers
Other Services: 26 Services offered by this provider
Boarding Care Home
Minnesota Veterans Home - Hastings
1200 18th St E, Hastings, MN, 55033
1018 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Residence and care for aged or infirm persons who require only personal or custodial care
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Description: Individual, group and family counseling
Description: Provides service animals and/or help to purchase them