Homeless Intervention Programs

Alluma - Crookston

603 Bruce St, Crookston, MN, 56716

(218) 281-3940



Description: Helps find housing for homeless individuals disabled by mental illness or chemical dependency

Description: Helps find housing for homeless individuals disabled by mental illness or chemical dependency

Other Services: 25 Services offered by this provider

Street Outreach

102 W 2nd St, Duluth, MN, 55802

(218) 726-0153



Description: Works with homeless people living on the streets or in shelters to try and connect them with services

Description: Works with homeless people living on the streets or in shelters to try and connect them with services

Other Services: 11 Services offered by this provider

Housing Services

540 Cedar St, St. Paul, MN, 55155

(651) 431-3941



Description: Supports services that enable people to live in appropriate housing in the community of their choice

Description: Supports services that enable people to live in appropriate housing in the community of their choice

Other Services: 35 Services offered by this provider

Supportive Services for Homeless Veterans

4801 Veterans Dr, St. Cloud, MN, 56303

(877) 424-3838



Description: Provides access to programs and services to Veterans experiencing homelessness, and those at risk of becoming homeless

Description: Provides access to programs and services to Veterans experiencing homelessness, and those at risk of becoming homeless

Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider

Rural Subsidized Housing for Families

Claremont Center

10603 640th St, Claremont, MN, 55924

(414) 852-2554



Description: Privately owned building that provides low-income housing to eligible individuals and families

Description: Privately owned building that provides low-income housing to eligible individuals and families