Results for "Independent Living Centers"
8 results
Specialized Equipment and Supplies
Mankato Office
709 S Front St, Ste 7, Mankato, MN, 56001
Description: Devices, controls, medical appliances or supplies specified in a person's support plan
Other Services: 24 Services offered by this provider
Home Accessibility Modification
Fairmont Office
301 Downtown Plz, Ste 3, Fairmont, MN, 56031
Description: Home improvements and remodeling to improve ease-of-use and safety for older adults and people with disabilities
Other Services: 24 Services offered by this provider
Assistive Technology
Mankato Office
709 S Front St, Ste 7, Mankato, MN, 56001
Description: Items that help people with disabilities or seniors maintain or improve their independence and function
Other Services: 24 Services offered by this provider
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Home Modification
Mankato Office
709 S Front St, Ste 7, Mankato, MN, 56001
Description: Physical changes to a person's home that make it safer and more accessible for older people and people with disabilities
Other Services: 24 Services offered by this provider
Home Accessibility Modification
New Ulm Office
1618 S Broadway St, New Ulm, MN, 56073
Description: Home improvements and remodeling to improve ease-of-use and safety for older adults and people with disabilities
Other Services: 24 Services offered by this provider
Home Accessibility Modification
SEMCIL - Rochester Office
2200 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, 55902
Description: Home improvements and remodeling to improve ease-of-use and safety for older adults and people with disabilities
Other Services: 31 Services offered by this provider
Home Accessibility Modification
SEMCIL - Winona Office
902 E 2nd St, Ste 277, Winona, MN, 55987
Description: Home improvements and remodeling to improve ease-of-use and safety for older adults and people with disabilities
Other Services: 31 Services offered by this provider
Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAA) Home Modification
109 S 5th St, Ste 700, Marshall, MN, 56258
Description: Physical changes to a person's home that make it safer and more accessible for older people and people with disabilities
Other Services: 11 Services offered by this provider