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Disabilities and Health Conditions

Topics for "Disabilities and Health Conditions"

  • YF Disabilities and Health Conditions 9536

    See all 9536 Results for Disabilities and Health Conditions

    Physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional impairments, illnesses or inju...

  • YF-1500 Communication Impairments 23

    Language, articulation, voice and/or fluency disorders which are outside the range of acceptabl...

  • YF-1800 Developmental Disabilities 5436

    A severe, chronic disability that is attributable to a cognitive, neurological or physical impa...

  • YF-2000 Frail Elderly 141

    Older adults who have a condition that affects their independence and places them at future ris...

  • YF-2200 Functional Disabilities 9

    Physical, mental or developmental disabilities that pose substantial barriers to an individual'...

  • YF-3000 Health Conditions 2823

    Acute or chronic illnesses, injuries or other pathological conditions which affect the individu...

  • YF-3200 Hearing Loss 272

    A disruption in the normal hearing process that may occur in the outer, middle, or inner ear, w...

  • YF-3300 Home/Community Care Recipients 4

    Individuals who have chronic illnesses or disabilities or are frail elderly, who are unable to ...

  • YF-3400 Homebound 199

    Individuals are unable to leave their homes because of illness, disability or frailty.

  • YF-4500 Learning Disabilities 30

    A neurological disorder that affects one or more of the basic psychological processes involved ...

  • YF-5000 Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities 1228

    An alteration in thinking, mood or behavior or some combination of those that either creates di...

  • YF-6000 Patients 157

    Individuals who are ill and who are receiving medical care. Also included are individuals who h...

  • YF-6500 Physical Disabilities 399

    Any of a variety of conditions that may be due to muscular, skeletal or neuromuscular disorders...

  • YF-8000 Substance Use Disorders 687

    Disorders related to excessive alcohol use, other drug use or use of other substances including...

  • YF-9000 Visual Impairments 142

    Eye, optic nerve or brain malfunctions which prevent affected individuals from seeing normally....