Families and Individuals Needing Support
Topics for "Families and Individuals Needing Support"
YJ Families and Individuals Needing Support
See all 2993 Results for Families and Individuals Needing Support
The parents, children, spouses, partners, siblings, friends or significant others of people who...More
YJ-0500 At Risk Populations
People who, because of their economic, environmental or family situation or a health problem or...More
YJ-0900 Bereaved/Grieving Individuals
Individuals who have experienced a loss, such as the death of a loved one or pet, divorce or se...More
YJ-1400 Children of Aging Parents
Individuals who are faced with the prospect of having to plan for the ongoing care and supervis...More
YJ-1550 Codependents
People whose own self-concepts, ways of coping and ability to maintain functional relationships...More
YJ-2030 Ex-Offenders
Individuals, also known as returning or returned citizens, who are no longer under required sup...More
YJ-2050 Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
The parents, children or spouses of people who are on active duty with one of the branches of t...More
YJ-2070 Families/Friends of Abused Children
The parents, siblings, friends or other relatives of children who have been subjected to a pers...More
YJ-2075 Families/Friends of Abused Women/Men
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-2100 Families/Friends of Accident Victims
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-2200 Families/Friends of Adult Incest Survivors
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of a...More
YJ-2470 Families/Friends of Compulsive Gamblers
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-2475 Families/Friends of Compulsive Hoarders
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-4000 Families/Friends of Frail/Dependent Elderly
The children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of people who...More
YJ-4750 Families/Friends of Homicide Victims
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of v...More
YJ-4840 Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-4850 Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-5065 Families/Friends of LGBTQ2+ Individuals
The parents, children, heterosexual spouses or partners, friends or other relatives or signific...More
YJ-5500 Families/Friends of Mentally Ill
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-6750 Families/Friends of People With Disabilities
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-6830 Families/Friends of People With Health Conditions
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-6900 Families/Friends of People With Sexual/Love Addictions
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-7000 Families/Friends of Sexual Assault/Abuse Survivors
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of s...More
YJ-8000 Families/Friends of Suicides
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...More
YJ-8600 Former Foster Children
Youth who have aged out of the foster care system and who may need support to successfully tran...More
YJ-8630 Individuals/Families Affected by Divorce
Individuals who have divorced (or separated), are in the process of divorcing or have family me...More
YJ-8635 Individuals/Families Affected by Perinatal Loss
Individuals (including parents, grandparents, surviving siblings, close friends and others) who...More
YJ-8750 People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Individuals who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitatio...More
YJ-8780 People With Inadequate Health Insurance
Individuals who do not have adequate coverage to address their medical needs including prescrip...More
YJ-8800 People Without Health Insurance
Individuals and families who have no health care insurance coverage and who may not be receivin...More
YJ-9000 Separated Families
Families that are unable to live together due to the illness, imprisonment, military or job ass...More
YJ-9100 Separated/Separating Persons
Married individuals who are living apart or in the process of separating and are potentially co...More
YJ-9150 Socially Isolated Adults
Adults who have a low level of contact and interaction with family, friends, neighbors, the bro...More