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Families and Individuals Needing Support

Topics for "Families and Individuals Needing Support"

  • YJ Families and Individuals Needing Support 2993

    See all 2993 Results for Families and Individuals Needing Support

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, siblings, friends or significant others of people who...

  • YJ-0500 At Risk Populations 1718

    People who, because of their economic, environmental or family situation or a health problem or...

  • YJ-0900 Bereaved/Grieving Individuals 97

    Individuals who have experienced a loss, such as the death of a loved one or pet, divorce or se...

  • YJ-1400 Children of Aging Parents 4

    Individuals who are faced with the prospect of having to plan for the ongoing care and supervis...

  • YJ-1550 Codependents 2

    People whose own self-concepts, ways of coping and ability to maintain functional relationships...

  • YJ-2030 Ex-Offenders 17

    Individuals, also known as returning or returned citizens, who are no longer under required sup...

  • YJ-2050 Families of Military Personnel/Veterans 24

    The parents, children or spouses of people who are on active duty with one of the branches of t...

  • YJ-2070 Families/Friends of Abused Children 1

    The parents, siblings, friends or other relatives of children who have been subjected to a pers...

  • YJ-2075 Families/Friends of Abused Women/Men 36

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-2100 Families/Friends of Accident Victims 2

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-2200 Families/Friends of Adult Incest Survivors 1

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of a...

  • YJ-2470 Families/Friends of Compulsive Gamblers 2

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-2475 Families/Friends of Compulsive Hoarders 30

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-4000 Families/Friends of Frail/Dependent Elderly 7

    The children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of people who...

  • YJ-4750 Families/Friends of Homicide Victims 2

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of v...

  • YJ-4840 Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder 11

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-4850 Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder 1

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-5065 Families/Friends of LGBTQ2+ Individuals 12

    The parents, children, heterosexual spouses or partners, friends or other relatives or signific...

  • YJ-5500 Families/Friends of Mentally Ill 7

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-6750 Families/Friends of People With Disabilities 78

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-6830 Families/Friends of People With Health Conditions 300

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-6900 Families/Friends of People With Sexual/Love Addictions 2

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-7000 Families/Friends of Sexual Assault/Abuse Survivors 9

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of s...

  • YJ-8000 Families/Friends of Suicides 8

    The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of p...

  • YJ-8600 Former Foster Children 1

    Youth who have aged out of the foster care system and who may need support to successfully tran...

  • YJ-8630 Individuals/Families Affected by Divorce 5

    Individuals who have divorced (or separated), are in the process of divorcing or have family me...

  • YJ-8635 Individuals/Families Affected by Perinatal Loss 1

    Individuals (including parents, grandparents, surviving siblings, close friends and others) who...

  • YJ-8750 People With Disabilities/Health Conditions 654

    Individuals who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitatio...

  • YJ-8780 People With Inadequate Health Insurance 10

    Individuals who do not have adequate coverage to address their medical needs including prescrip...

  • YJ-8800 People Without Health Insurance 123

    Individuals and families who have no health care insurance coverage and who may not be receivin...

  • YJ-9000 Separated Families 1

    Families that are unable to live together due to the illness, imprisonment, military or job ass...

  • YJ-9100 Separated/Separating Persons 1

    Married individuals who are living apart or in the process of separating and are potentially co...

  • YJ-9150 Socially Isolated Adults 2

    Adults who have a low level of contact and interaction with family, friends, neighbors, the bro...