
1213 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 872-8086


Description: Medical office that provides non-emergency care

Description: Medical office that provides non-emergency care

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Counseling Services

1213 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 843-5981


Description: Individual, group and family counseling

Description: Individual, group and family counseling

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider


1213 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 872-8086


Description: Helps individuals or groups make sure they receive benefits and services for which they are eligible

Description: Helps individuals or groups make sure they receive benefits and services for which they are eligible

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Dental Clinic

1213 E Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 872-8086


Description: Office that provides professional care of teeth and gums

Description: Office that provides professional care of teeth and gums

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider